Yeast and the Stock Market

6/7 Science students built on their data from last week’s experiment and set their own parameters for a second yeast growth experiment. They graphed their data and shared it with their classmates.

The Stock Market Game (SMG) has begun and our teams have logged in and made their initial purchases. We have 4 teams in the Elementary Division and 2 in the Intermediate even though all of our teams have members for grades 4 – 7.  In the Elementary Division, one of our teams is in first place.  In the Intermediate Division, one of our teams is in third place and not very far behind the leader. 

Students have purchased such stocks as AGQ, CAT, and HSY.  You might want to check these out for yourselves.  Some are doing quite well.  But, as I tell the students,  “Past performance is not guarantee of future earnings.”

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