Intermediate Unit
The intermediates have been busy these first weeks of school. We have found out that there are ways to find a “good fit” book by:
- I – choose
- P urpose – Why do I want to read it?
- I nterest – Does it interest me?
- C omprehend – Am I understanding what I’m reading?
- K now – I know most of the words.
We are continuing to develop our Daily Five in our Literacy Block:
- Read to Yourself
- Read to Someone
- Work on Writing
- Listen to Reading
- Spelling/Word Work
Please stop in and see our “Who” poems that tell “who we are”! Ask your students about “Poetry Freezes” and Bartholomew Cubbin’s hats. We now know the difference between abstract and concrete as it pertains to creative writing thanks to a wonderful writer’s workshop with Kathleen Vaslany. The 4th and 5th grades are finding out if Reynie Muldoon is going to pass the big test in the “The Mysterious Benedict Society”. The 3rd grade are reading “How to Eat Fried Worms”. In Social Studies, we have prepared and sealed our time capsules to be opened on the last day of school and have started on our study of the United States of America. Alabama is the first state on our list.
Upper Unit
The 8th grade are reviewing Daily Grammar Practice as an online activity on their iPad. We have just finished our Poetry Anthologies as a book or Power point and presented them to Al. We also presented the anthologies to the lower unit where we received applause and hugs. We continue our journey to become better readers and writers as we develop our practice of “reading responses”. We also continue our cross curriculum of literature and history from a women’s perspective with the book, Anne Frank. We keep our eye on global events as we have current events discussions on Friday.