2018 Trivia Night Auction Items

Check out all the amazing items that were donated for Trivia Night last year:

Event Sponsors
Fey Bruder Insurance Advisors
Heirloom Garden Designs, (513) 200-1980
Mystical Star Stables, (513) 200-1980
Wire & Twine
Wendy & Tom Duvall
Jane & Robert Lute
Angie & Rob Jester
Michelle & Michael Patterson
Joyce & John Wiley

Event Donors
Hueston Woods
Cru Wine Bar & Shop
Oxford Coffee Company
Oxford Community Arts Center
Patterson’s Café
Paesano’s Pasta House


2018 Auction Items and Donors—thank you to all our donors!

Donor Name Auction Item Value Starting Bid
Andrea Taulbee Terrarium Kits (2) $15 $5
Bowtie Barber Club Hair Cut and Shave $55 $18
Broadway Barrel House $50 Gift Certificate $50 $17
Broadway Barrel House $50 Gift Certificate $50 $17
Broadway Barrel House $50 Gift Certificate $50 $17
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 2 Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Tickets $150 $50
Chris Taylor 10 LBS Bacon-Pick Your Flavor-Sweet, Savory, Nitrite Free, Etc. $50 $17
Elizabeth Taylor Ukulele Lessons – 3 Group Ukulele Lessons for Up to 6 People, Age 10 and Up. Lessons Will Be One Hour. $180 $60
EnterTrainment Junction 4 Do-It-All Tickets $68 $23
Follett’s Bookstore 2 Mugs and Tote Bag $44 $15
Ginny Reynolds Upholstered Chair $200 $67
Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center $100 Off Camp Registration $30
Goggin Ice Center MU Ice Skating Merchandise $175 $58
Goggin Ice Center MU Ice Skating Merchandise With Signed Under Armour Bag $125 $41
Hewitt Ross Dental Sonicare Toothbrush $100 $33
Jaimie Ross One-Hour Yoga Class $50 $17
Jeff and Jill Kist 15 Family Work Hours $300 $100
Jeff Pohlman Tire 4 Tickets to Miami Men’s Hockey Game, February 24 $130 $42
Jennifer Rode Outdoor Fun Gift Basket: Tree Swing, Chalk And Four Square Ball $100 $33
Jill Kist Exercise Basket $50 $17
Jill Kist — Clean Sweep One 4-Hour Cleaning Session $100 $33
Jon Ralinovsky Expert Piano Tuning $135 $45
Juniper Skin Care and Earrings $60 $20
Justin Tavares Tito’s Gift Basket $120 $40
Justin Tavares Fireball Backpack $200 $67
Karen Schroer Destin Beach House Auction is for one week, September through May, depending on availability. Sleeps up to 18. $1500-4500 $750
Kings Island 2 Tickets $132 $44
Marcia McIntosh Travel Mug Set $40 $13
McGuffey Montessori School McGuffey Montessori Merchandise $60 $20
Zac & Amanda Zedrick Miami Golf Package $130 $43
Miami Rec Center 4-Four pack daily passes $36 $12
Miami Rec Center One Semester of Group Fitness $205 $68
Miami University Performing Arts 4 Tickets to Cirque Éloize Saloon: A Musical Acrobatic Adventure $96 $32
Miami University Performing Arts 2 Tickets to Rockin’ Road to Dublin $48 $16
Miami University Performing Arts 2 Tickets to The New Golden Age of Latin Music $30 $10
Michael and Michelle Patterson Dine Out Package for Cru, Patterson’s Paesano’s $150 $50
Moon Co-op $20 Gift Card $20 $5
MU Athletics Men’s Basketball MU Men’s Signed Basketball, Tickets and Merchandise $160 $53
MU Athletics Women’s Basketball MU Women’s Basketball Tickets and Merchandise $90 $30
Nancy Hawthorne 2-Homemade Almond Tortes $25 $8
Neal Sullivan Large Pottery Bowl $40 $13
Neal Sullivan Large Pottery Bowl $40 $13
Neal Sullivan Medium Pottery Bowl $30 $10
Neal Sullivan Four Small Pottery Bowls $40 $13
Old Stone Riding Center & Dog Kennel One Riding Lesson $50 $17
Old Stone Riding Center & Dog Kennel 2 Night Dog Kennel $40 $13
Oxford Police Department Paraphernalia and Ride Along $30 $10
Pattersons alcohol for the event
Peter Carels One Hour Drum Circle For 8 Children $100 $33
Primary Class 2018 Collaborative Kandinsky Color Study: Square With Concentric Circles Priceless! $5
Relax- Breath Be Massage Therapy Amy Fankhauser 75 Minute Massage Certificate $75 $25
Reserve Run Family Farm LLC. Drew Johnson A Variety Pack of Fresh Meat $100 $33
Reserve Run Family Farm LLC. Drew Johnson Farm Visit and Tour – Take Home Egss and Meat $75 $25
Scotty’s Brewhouse $20 Gift Card $20 $7
The Apple Tree $25 Gift Card and Manicure Set $45 $15
The Elms Hotel One Overnight Stay in the King Suite $200 $67
Training Tracks Puppy headstart or Basic Obedience 101 Class $100 $33
Uptown Oxford Farmers Market $50 In Market Bucks $50 $17
Viviane Michaud, M. Ed. LDT One Craniosacral Therapy Session $75 $25
Walt Disney 4 One-Day Park Hopper Passes $648 $216
Whitewater Canoe Rental 1 Pass For Canoeing, Kayaking, Tubing Or Camping on the River $30 $10
Wire and Twine Screenprinting Workshop For Up To 8 People $350 $117
Wire and Twine Five Days At Northside Depot CoWorking Space $125 $42
YMCA 3 Month Family Membership $250 $83

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