We had a terrific kick-off at school. A Gnome came to visit. He told everyone how the Read-a-thon works and passed out log books and bookmarks. He promised to come back frequently to check on everyone’s progress. The Read-a-thon gnome statues were placed in classrooms to watch over the reading. They will move every day to watch different areas of the room.
The school-wide goal is 20,000 minutes of reading. If the school works together and reaches the goal, every teacher will wear a costume of their favorite book character on World Read-aloud day, March 5.
What can you do?
- CHECK your child’s schoolbag for the sponsorship book.
- Help your child FIND SPONSORS who will pledge money by the numbers of minutes of reading or being read to.
- MAKE TIME to log all those reading minutes.
- SEND LOG BOOKS back to school each Friday so we can check progress on our school wide goal.
When deciding on how much to sponsor your child’s reading, consider the total dollar amount that you can commit and what you want to inspire your child to do. Trying to inspire your child to read more than what they usually do? You can get creative and give $1 for every ten minutes they read up to a certain amount and after that you could double that amount. Or you can offer a bonus donation for not missing a single day across the 16 days of the Read-a-thon. And it can’t hurt to build in a little math practice for when they calculate what you owe.
Some fun ways for your child to log reading time:
- Read with a flashlight!
- Read to someone younger!
- Read the comics or a graphic novel!
- Get a big stack of picture books or easy readers at the library. It can be great practice for children to read easier books.
- Challenge the grown-ups in your household to read too!