If they have not done so already, the students will soon be coming home speaking a bit of French. Yesterday the students were singing French songs, and soon they will be sampling French food. Here are a few basic vocabulary words and phrases that parents can use dans le français:
- School – L’école
- Time for school. – C’est le temps pour aller à l’école.
- Backpack – Sac à dos
- Do you have your backpack? – Avez-vous votre sac à dos?
- Lunch = Déjeuner
- Remember to take your lunch. – Souvenez-vous de prendre votre déjeuner.
- Snack – Casse-croûte
- What do you want for snack? – Que voulez-vous pour le casse-croûte ?
- I love you very much – Je vous aime très beaucoup.
You can make your own translations online at: http://webtranslation.paralink.com/