Shop Local 2012

We are happy to announce that the 2012 Shop Local discount card is now available for purchase!

For the low price of $15, the card owner receives discounts at many of Oxford’s finest businesses. While supporting local commerce, the purchase of the card also helps support several non-profit groups in Oxford.

The Shop Local card makes an excellent gift for a teacher, coach, babysitter, or co-worker. Please consider the Shop Local card when making gift selections this holiday season.

We count on McGuffey families to help sell the card as part of their fundraising efforts. This helps us keep tuition costs as affordable as possible. If every family could sell 10 cards, we could raise nearly $4,000. If every family could sell 20 cards, we could raise nearly $8,000!

Cards are available for purchase at the McGuffey office. Cards cost $15 apiece and we would appreciate check or exact change. After winter break, we hope to have them available for sale on our website via PayPal.

Cards will also be available for sale at Juniper at 9 E. High Street and Magnolia at 313 S. College.

Below is the list of businesses offering great discounts in support of our community. (For a complete list of the discounts offered for 2012, visit the Shop Local website.) Just shop a few times at any of these locally owned businesses and the card quickly pays for itself.

Ball of Oxford Florist
Kofenya (both Oxford and Hamilton locations)
Kona Bistro
Marcum Center and Miami Inn
Oxford Farmers Market Uptown
Salon Signature
Skipper’s Pub
Smokin’ Ox
Training Tracks
University Motors
Walker’s Footwear
You’re Fired

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