Secret Gardens and Public Gardens

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The whole Upper Unit had a special opportunity to attend a performance of The Secret Garden at Cincinnati’s Playhouse in the Park. This acclaimed musical won several Tony awards. Before our trip, we reviewed the book and its story, as well as the etiquette involved in attending a performance. The production was amazing, and added a wonderful enrichment experience to both our Language Arts and Music curricula. Students were still discussing the play and its music days afterward.

After the performance, we walked through Eden Park to the Krohn Conservatory. The gardens of the Krohn were the perfect place to explore some exotic plants as part of our Upper Elementary and Middle School Botany unit in science. Our host was David Radlinski, the curator of the Krohn’s bonsai collection and father of Upper Unit teacher Mark Radlinski. The Krohn kindly provided a pleasant (and dry!) space for us to eat lunch. Mr. Radlinski gave a talk on the history and care of bonsai, showing us several interesting examples, and students explored the conservatory, noting monocots, dicots, gymnosperms, and plants that looked like they belonged in Lily’s garden. It was a wonderful outing!

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