Postcard from Washington, DC


dcpostcardDCfountainceilinglookingupmetroNine of our middle school students, Nancy and Susan, and Karen Staley as a parent chaperone are on a four-day trip to Washington, DC. This has been a dream for several staff and parents for a long time and we are thrilled to see it finally happen.

Visiting DC is the first of an optional three-year trip rotation for middle school students. For our other trips we hope to go to Chicago for an arts and literature based trip and a Science based trip.

In preparation for the trip, the students worked with us to plan the details of what we will do. This included researching the different museums and attractions and identifying priorities. We are renting a house in the District, about 2.5 miles from the White House. Since we have a kitchen we get to make our own breakfasts and we planned ahead for a team for each morning to cook and clean.

Day #1
We flew from Cincinnati to Dulles and from there the students became familiar with the Metro system, got settled into our rental house in Columbia Heights, and had pizza in the big city. 10,000 steps.

Day#2 (first full day)
We started the day with a tour of the Capitol and checking out the Library of Congress. Lunch at Union Station and then spent the afternoon at the Natural History Museum and the American History Museum. 18,000 steps

Day #3
The day began at the Holocaust Museum for a perspective and empathy building experience. The afternoon was spent on a trolley that took us to the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials and gave us an overview of the downtown area.

Our bodies are tired from lots of walking but we saved some really fun things for today, our final day. We are headed to the International Spy Museum, the National Archives and the Air and Space Museum.

Tomorrow morning we fly home!

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