Performances, two balls and silkscreens


The kids have taken their performances for the pre-primary unit seriously and have worked hard to make them the best they can be. We have assigned roles now and have rehearsed them for the big day. Intermediate and Upper Units perform this Friday afternoon for the preschoolers and kindergartners and the Primary Unit will perform 12/21. Their teacher is hoping to get a video to show you and I hope my technological skills meet my expectations – I’m not so worried about the kids!

What’s better than 12/12/12/12/12/12? Two balls in the basket!


Jacquee has been visiting 6/7 Visual Arts class to teach the students about making two-color silkscreens. Students first drew a design and then made a two tracings of the drawing, one with each color. The student will be making multiple copies of their designs.




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