2024/25 Weather and Calamity Plan


Overwhelmingly, McGuffey parents prefer we open whenever possible and our teachers prefer we have as much time as possible for our curriculum. Therefore we deviate from Talawanda’s closing schedule when we felt confident the roads are safe. 

While we will typically close/delay in line with Talawanda, it is not automatic. Talawanda has to make their decisions based on conditions very early in the morning for the entire district, even if the roads are improved by the time the elementary schedule begins. Their decisions must also take into account students waiting outside for buses in wind chill temperatures. McGuffey’s Head of School is in communication with Talawanda’s transportation office for road condition information in addition to consulting multiple weather websites before making decisions in the wee hours of the morning. 

As always, you have the option of keeping your child home should you feel it is prudent.

We communicate about closings and delays by 1) email, 2) group texting, and 3) our website. 

Counting Days/Make Up Schedule
We currently exceed the state’s required number of instructional hours by the equivalent of almost 23 days. McGuffey will make up school days after five calamity days. 

Closed Day #1-5    No assignments, days will not be made up
Closed Day #6+     Days will be made up on the three weekdays following the last day of school as necessary

School Delays
We may occasionally delay the start of school 2-hours. This will mean everything shifts two hours. We will remind you of these times whenever there is a delay. Early Care is not offered when there is a delay. 

Unless explicitly communicated otherwise, students in Early Math will be expected to arrive between 10:05-10:15am, two hours after they usually arrive.

Arranging Early Pick-Up
If weather conditions or complications caused by weather conditions make it necessary for students to be picked up early, please call the office to warn us and we will try to have your child ready to leave when you arrive.

McGuffey Calamity
In the unlikely event that our school experiences a calamity unique to us, we will notify parents by email and group text, depending on the time of day such information and decisions need to be shared. It is very important that you keep us informed during the year with up-to-date contact information.

If we must leave the school grounds with your child, we will leave a note taped to the inside of the window on the front door telling you where your child has been taken. If you cannot get to the school, call the Head of School or your child’s lead teacher. If you are unable to reach us, you may call the Oxford Police, as we will have advised them of the whereabouts of any child we take away from school.

Sharing Care/Planning
We encourage you to make plans ahead to share care with other families if you anticipate that delays or closings will be a burden to manage. We hope that your McGuffey community is a source of both support as well as opportunities to help.

Updated 9/2/23

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