McGuffey Montessori School participates proudly in Scholastic Book Club Sales. The school receives book points for each purchase. Book can be ordered in both manual catalog ordering (write out your order/submit check), or by easy online ordering. Online ordering is the easiest and best method available for the school—with each online order the school Library earns a free $3.00 book (or that amount towards a more expensive book). Online ordering allows you to search from ALL catalogs available at the time, not just the ones provided to your child.
For the current catalog ordering your orders both online and in paper form must be completed/turned in no later than Tuesday March 19th. Here is how it works:
For Catalog ordering: Fill in your student’s name; indicate items by identifying desired Qty (quantity), extending out the Amt Due (amount due); at the bottom of the form tally up the Total Number of Items and Total Amount Due. Insert check into provided envelope payable to Scholastic Book Clubs for Total Amount Due.
For even more convenient Online Ordering: (choose from a wider/larger selection of book choices):
- Go online to (you will always want to sign in as a PARENT).
- First-time users: Click on Register Now! in the Not Registered box and fill in your information. When prompted enter the one-time Class Activation Code HJBZX (this ensures your order goes to McGuffey).
- Returning users: Type in your username and password in the Parent Sign In box. NOTE!! For your first login this school year type in your username. It will prompt you to convert your username to an email address.
- Also at the beginning of each school year you will again have to fill in info for your child(ren) as well as indicate the Class Activation Code which is: HJBZX. If you cannot get the username/email address conversion to let you login, please contact Scholastic at 800-724-6527 for further assistance.
- Next step: Select the books you’d like to order – from thousands of titles – many more than in the catalog. Pay for your order via secure online credit card payment – it’s easy, it’s safe – and it’s quick.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Kettler (Sean Kettler’s Mom) at 765-732-3994 or