November Box Tops Submission



Our submission for Box Tops For Education this fall was $284.50. Big thanks to the families who collected Box Tops, and to Fab for her clipping and counting!

Every little Box Top logo that is collected counts for ten cents. While that might not seem like much, it adds up quickly! Box Tops are submitted twice a year, so start collecting them now for the spring submission. You can find them on many food packages as well as other products. As a parent, you can also create an account on the Box Tops website and earn money for McGuffey other ways.

Here are a few thing you should know about Box Tops:

  • We will take them however you want to send them. However, if you trim them and check the expiration date before sending them, it’s very helpful. If you carefully count them and submit them in groups of 50, YOU WILL BE OUR BEST FRIEND.
  • Some stores will occasionally give valuable Box Tops related coupons from their register printers. Keep an eye out for these as they are usually worth way more than the basic Box Tops.
  • Our Box Tops container is located in the office. You can submit them at any time during the year.
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