Students in Grades 1 and 2 have been working on a complex, multi-phase, student-driven project inspired by their own concerns. Students noticed litter and debris, in addition to some destruction of the habitat, on a nature walk and felt called to action. “It’s not supposed to be like this! This isn’t okay!” they proclaimed.
Stemming from their desire to take care of our environment, students began a long term project, aptly named “Nature Rangers”, with the goal of removing litter and debri, as well as preventing litter and debri through various forms of community education, and eventually habitat recovery.
Last week we finished up phase two of our multi-step plan; litter prevention by using signage to encourage locals to refrain from littering.
Students designed their own signs, came up with the best way to place the signs (wood stakes), contacted an experienced community member to request a workshop on putting the signs together, looked up geographic maps on property lines for where to place the signs, gathered materials, and, finally (much planning takes much time), placed the signs in the designated “important locations”.
Stay posted for the next, exciting phases of our Nature Rangers explorations!