Music Everywhere

21458728182_cd98a4bd43_z 21621144331_89681f1c81_z 20921754015_29ee11c163_z 20733719180_45f0104347_z 20733714160_a53c00387e_z 21350456264_dc62451839_z21350455154_18b8d11152_z21350455294_90ae1ed55e_z21352067923_f262970793_z21785351168_876c86608d_zAll around Mcguffey Montessori, students from age preschool to 8th grade have music class each week. Preschoolers are busy learning about and recognizing emotions through singing and moving while Kindergartners are taking their first steps into music theory by learning what a quarter note and quarter rest are.

1st, 2nd and 3rd graders are learning rhythmic memory, 2/4 meter (using pizzas, of course!), and learning to read treble clef respectively.

4th graders, too, are learning to read treble clef. 5th graders have taken on B, A and G notes on the recorder while accompanying their classmates on orff instruments.

6th graders have waded into syncopation — such an exciting moment when you hear music bend a little out of the square box of notes happening on the beat.

7th and 8th grade have moved up to 5 different chords on the ukulele, ever more challenging songs, and are taking their instruments home to practice using our lending program.

The entire school came together last Friday for our first official sing-along. Songs were chosen by the 7th and 8th graders from our new sing-along book and a few accompanied as well on their ukuleles. It was a wonderful time of coming together and making music and of course, happy memories.

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