Moving on

Do you remember as a kid, that the day after your birthday was kind of a downer? Or, how the moments after you opened your presents could bring a sense of disappointment, a longing for the anticipation you felt before opening those presents?

The days following a show like McGuffey Monstessori’s Schoolhouse Rock Live, Jr. can bring on those same feelings. That’s why we used last week’s music and choir classes to decompress and regroup. We looked at pictures and glued them into the kids’ libretti, made sure we got everyone’s autograph, laughed at some of our mistakes and then watched a video of the show. We talked and talked, about our emotions, how the performances felt like a service to the community, what was hard, what was easy, and lots more.

And then this week, we moved on. Plans were discussed and a new song was learned for the concert on the last day of school—you’ll be there, right?—which will take place after lunch and before the famous Egg Drop right here at McGuffey Montessori. It felt good to re-live the show and then find something else to work toward.

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