In the primary unit, the students enjoyed their first (and probably last) snow building a snowman.
We made a snowman out of snow,
One snowy day, one snowy day.
We rolled a snowball big as can be,
One snowy day, one snowy day.
A snowman you can now see,
One snowy day, one snowy day.
Looking at the above pictures and seeing the happy faces on the students makes us (Carla and Janet) realize how important recess is for our students at McGuffey.
In many schools recess has almost disappeared from the curriculum. Recess has been pushed out to get more math and reading in to raise those test scores. Research is showing that adding more play to the day, not less, improves the likelihood of better test scores and behavior.
Recess increases on task time. Children need sunlight. Physical activity feeds the brain. These are all great reasons for recess!
So come on out around 10:30 and enjoy recess with your children. Carla and Janet could always use an extra hand turning the jump rope.
Until next time…go Primary Unit and go McGuffey!