Choose a monarch caterpillar, give it a name, and come back each week to visit! Watch your caterpillar grow, change into a chrysalis, then emerge as a butterfly. If you’re at the market the week your caterpillar emerges from its chrysalis, you will get to release your butterfly.
Each butterfly will be tagged with your information as part of Monarch Watch’s national research program. Your “adopted” monarchs are part of the fall generation, so they will head off on a 1600 mile journey from Ohio to Mexico to spend the winter!
We’ll be at the Oxford Farmer’s Market Saturday mornings from August 13 to September 17, from 8 am to 11:30 pm.
Adopt A Monarch: August 13, 20 and 27. Caterpillars can be adopted during this three-week period.
Monarch feeding, tagging demonstrations and releases: September 3, 10, 17
For more information about monarchs, their amazing migration, and how to help with monarch conservation, visit Monarch Watch.