Language Arts has been Moody and poetic

The third and fourth grades are busy in Language Arts! Each day we do creative writing in our journals, work on spelling packets, and are beginning to add cursive to our writing lessons. Third grade just finished reading Judy Moody was in a Mood. Fourth grade is currently reading Jack Adrift Fourth Grade Without a Clue. We sprinkle “poetry freezes” into each of our days. Wednesday is “Poetry Day” where we concentrate on reading and writing poetry. We have our new Accelerated Reading program up and running so we read independently each day for 20 minutes to help us reach our reading goals.

We have just finished our first unit in Social Studies on communities. We now know the difference between urban, suburban and rural communities. We learned the New York is the largest populated city in the United States and we had a discussion on the 9/11 tragedies.

In our new Writing class, we are learning about tall tales and legends. We are going to write our own Tall Tale.

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