10 things learned from the students while sitting in the sandbox:
- Sandboxes have no bottoms. If recess was longer, you could dig all the way to the center of the Earth, which is filled with nickels.
- Sand is a natural beauty aid, especially when applied to the scalp.
- It is good manners to yell, “SANDSTORM” before throwing sand.
- The reason for filling a bucket with sand is because, “It’s empty.”
- Beach sand tastes salty; sandbox sand does not.
- If you make a sand mountain and chop off the peak, it becomes a sand volcano.
- Never eat peanut butter in the sand box on a windy day.
- One should always ask permission before bulldozing another person’s sand mountain.
- The beach is “funner” than a sandbox because “the sand castles stick together and you can decorate them with dead things.”
- The exact number of grains of sand in a sandbox is unknown, but is thought to be “about a hundred.”