Fundraising Monday

Shop Local cards are now available for purchase! We’d like to challenge each McGuffey student to sell at least ten cards this season. If every student can sell 10 cards, we’d raise nearly $4,000 for the school, and can make a sizable donation to our selected non-profit organizations. Don’t forget, these cards make great gifts for friends, family, coaches, and co-workers.

As you consider your participation, please remember the success of these fundraising activities is a critical piece in determining the rate of tuition.

This week we will send home an envelope with each student. Please fill out the envelope, indicating how many cards you would like to purchase for yourself or to sell to others and return it to Liz. We will send you the appropriate number of cards.

We have secured discounts to sixteen fantastic businesses in Oxford:
Ball of Oxford Florist
BTO Yogurt
The Green Door
Kona Bistro
Marcum Center & Miami Inn
Oxford Farmers Market Uptown
Salon Signature
SDS Pizza
Smokin’ Ox
Skipper’s Pub
SoHi Grilled Sandwiches
Walker’s Footwear
You’re Fired

If you have any questions about this program, please email Nancy Hawthorne.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

On a side note, please don’t forget to use the Amazon link when making your holiday purchases. We have already raised $123 just this month by people using this link!

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