Friday Wrap Up 8/24

PRIMARY: Exciting First Week in Montessori Land

It was a beautiful Monday morning. The children arrived happy and excited to see their friends and meet new ones. We began the week establishing a positive classroom rapport. Daily routines were discussed and practiced. For example: How to use a work mat to designate a workspace on the floor, (including getting the mat and returning it afterwards), how to walk around someone’s work space, and how to use a daily journal.

The most exciting time for the students was being introduced to all the beautiful Montessori materials. Each day one or two different “works” were introduced to the children, either whole group or a couple of students at a time. Below are pictures of the students using the materials and doing their “works”.

We CLOZE in Language Arts

In Intermediate Language Arts we are introducing strategies for developing language skills with comprehension in context activities called CLOZE, we are editing history facts for cross curricular instruction, and creative writing in our journals with  elements of Literature topics.   The first topic is Imagery.  We are also working on our “All About Me Posters” to celebrate our wonderful individuality.  We are in the process of selecting books from our beautiful new Library as we prepare for Accelerated Reader.

In Upper Language Arts we are introducing strategies for developing language skills with comprehension in context activities in CLOZE, we are reviewing grammar and sentence building as we prepare for success in our writing.  We are using forms and elements of Literature with our journal topics.  The first topic is Imagery.  We are in the process of selecting books from our new and improved Library as we prepare for Accelerated Reader.

Rhythm and Musical Lives
The Primary, Intermediate and Upper levels met for music class this past Monday. They all played name games, which were also rhythm games, of varying degrees of difficulty. We spent a few minutes getting to know everyone’s musical lives then moved on to imitation activities, both silent and with sound, using our bodies. These activities introduced the concept of performing on cue, using observation by watching the ‘conductor’ of the activity (either Elizabeth or a fellow student), and practicing being in the ‘hot seat’ of leading a group.

Math Three Rs
7th graders will spend a few weeks reviewing, refreshing, and refining many of the skills that they have learned over the past years.  This will give all the students and me a chance to make sure that each of them is ready for the challenges of Pre-Algebra   This first week we are working with Whole Numbers and their properties and the Distributive Property.  This year students will be receiving a letter grade.  So, for the first time, they will be taking quizzes and tests and homework will be given each day.  The students seem to be excited at the prospect of moving beyond elementary math.

Mirrors, Lenses and the Pond
The students began their year doing some of their works in the renovated science building! Under skylights and sitting in a window box seat, students in 4th – 7th grade work in the morning during their Learning Studio. The 4th and 5th graders are studying Lens and Mirrors in science, while 6th and 7th are exploring the Kingdom of Fungi. In math, the 4th and 5th graders began their year with a review of the four main different operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will focus over the next few weeks on how division is related to both multiplication and fractions.

Primary science took a trip this week to the pond, with the assignment to look for evidence of life. Boy, did we find some! Frogs, fish, dragonflies and beautiful lotus flowers were a few.

Elementary Visual Art Starts with Library Markers, digital Media and Bookmaking
Grade 1-7 students will help put back borrowed library books with place marker that they will leave where they got the book so they can return it to the same spot. The place markers are made from paint stir sticks that they will customize with designs and student names.

We are also creating a mural of student photo portraits in the pop art style of Andy Warhol. Everyone will be taking their own picture.

Students will all be making their own sketchbooks to use a school. Grades 1/2/3 will make a softcover saddle-style binding that will involve folding paper, glueing a cover and some simple sewing. Grades 4/5/6/7 will make a softer cover signature-type binding. They’ll ne sewing folded groups of paper to smooth sticks, adding a cover, and weaving the the stick together with yarn or string to complete the book. Afterwards, we’ll all have 64 sides of paper to decorate with creative work.

Kids Before and After School
Extended day has been filled with getting to know new friends and re connecting with old ones!  We have been taking advantage of the great weather in the PM and hope that it continues for a few more weeks.

Please make sure that you stop in and see the AM extended day art wall and read the “joke of the day” posted on the door each morning!

This entry was posted in art, extended day, intermediate unit, language arts, math, McGuffey, primary unit, science, upper unit. Bookmark the permalink.

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