Final Music Preparations

051914_01 051914_03051914_027 days and counting… That’s how many school days lie between us and summer. The countdown is always a push-me pull me of readiness for a break, for play and for sunshine while keeping in mind we have a lot to accomplish during those days. In music, the students are preparing for the Last Concert as well as 8th Grade Graduation.

The Last Concert is written by the 6th, 7th and 8th graders, who come up with a premise and story to weave together songs and dances learned during the school year. Once the show has an outline, each grade-band gets to add their own dialog and tweaks here and there. Happily, the show is written and is now in rehearsals. The students are quite proud of themselves!

For 8th Grade Graduation, grades 1-7 will be serenading the 8th graders with a lovely song called I’m Not Lost by Jana Stanfield and will accompany themselves along with guitarist, Joe Kretschmer. The Circle Game is a McGuffey tradition at graduation and the lower elementary students are learning an accompaniment on the hand bells.

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