Dramatic moments

What will you be doing on April 24th & 25th? The savvy cultural aficionado will be at the Oxford Community Arts Center to see McGuffey students perform the play The American Identity.

The show explores some of the historical and cultural events and trends that have contributed to our view of ourselves as Americans. Some of those events are the journey west, the civil war, Appalachian life, romance, the coming of the railroads, the industrial revolution and the rise of the unions, and many more. Some of these events are comic, others are tragic, but all are uniquely American. The production involves speaking roles for all students in grades three through six, with the younger kids playing non-speaking roles and singing in the chorus.

We are still collecting hats, caps, and props for the various scenes and time periods. We needs cowboy hats, railroad caps, settler bonnets, military caps, straw hats, feather boas, hobo hats, moonshine jugs, heart-shaped candy box, plastic bouquet of flowers.

Some of the songs are Oh Freedom, Dixie, When Johnny Comings Marching Home, Bread & Roses, The Blind Fiddler, and many more. Save these dates: April 24th & 25th!

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