On Day 2 of the four-day program, Glen Helen students went on an all-day field trip with their naturalists. They began the day by packing their own lunches. Afterwards, they headed out in their trail groups for the day’s adventure.
One of the highlights of a summer/early fall trip to the Glen is a chance to do stream biology. Each trail group does the stream biology hike, though they may do it on different days. Today’s group had the chance to hike to two different area of the creek. They assessed the health of the stream habitats by measuring pH, turbidity, and other characteristics of the water, and also investigated the creek’s many inhabitants.
After getting back from their long hike, students took a break for a snack and rest time. Then at 4:30, they chose from several fun activities offered each day. Some options McGuffey students have enjoyed include building shelters out of natural materials in a special off-trail area, tree-climbing, envelope-making, and playing Quidditch.
In the evening, McGuffey’s staff hosted recreational activities and snacks at the dorm. The students organized their own jumping contest outside the dorm and had a wonderful time. After it started to get dark, we played indoor games and ended the night with a Choose Your Own Adventure story. We had a great day!