Cloud Club Visits the CAM

Cloud Club students visited the Cincinnati Art Museum in May for a look a two special exhibits featuring the art of Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet. Picasso’s etching, lithography and linocut prints were amazing in their simplicity and variety. We also is explored the paintings of Picasso in the museum’s collection. The Monet exhibit focused on the beautiful garden and lily pond in Giverny. We viewed twelve of these very large and serene masterpieces. The student and teachers enjoyed a lunch at the museum cafe and were able to go into the center courtyard for close up look at the sculptures exhibited there.

This weekend Cloud Club will see a Cincinnati Shakespeare Company production of “The Merchant of Venice.” The play is controversial as the story reflects the deep religious prejudice and persecution of the times. Preparing for the visit, we talked at length about the way religion and politics was a life and death situation in Europe then and, sadly, how similar dangers are still present in modern times.

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