Once in the Upper Elementary grades, students have become competent readers, expressive writers, avid geographers and historians, and emerging mathematicians. Now that students have their basic skills, they are encouraged to use these tools to extend their knowledge and enrich their learning as they explore subjects of their own interest, as well as subjects in our prescribed curriculum.
Concrete materials, similar to those used in the Lower Elementary classrooms, are used to teach math and grammar, but other materials are drawn from real life to teach geography, world cultures, science, and human experience. Students are trained to give oral and visual presentations that highlight work done during these years, and they take numerous field trips to support their studies of science, geography, and history. Students in the Upper Unit (Upper Elementary and Middle School) go to Glen Helen Outdoor School for four days and three nights during the first semester.
Math is taught with a focus on understanding concepts through concrete explorations. Once the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are familiar, the child is ready to work with fractions, elements of geometry and algebra, and problem solving.
Music, visual art, foreign language, and physical education are part of the integrated cultural curriculum. Children also experience the basics in geography, history, and life sciences.
For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact us.