Our community is exuberant, nourishing, and empowering, due, in large part, to the differences among us. Differences among the students, families, and faculty enrich our human experience in untold ways. Celebrating differences in the classroom allows the students to express and eventually define their whole self.
Our Middle School students are given a challenging and rigorous academic curriculum that emphasizes consistent, responsible study habits. Content builds on the rich curriculum in Upper Elementary and extends beyond what might be typically taught in these grades. Genetics, Physics, World History to name a few. Middle School Mathematics can adapt to all needs including traditional Algebra, Honors Algebra and Honors Geometry.
The school’s small size is an advantage for helping each child to develop the ability to interpret information, formulate questions, and express ideas. To help students prepare for the next stage in their education, organizational skills are stressed, including, tracking and prioritizing multiple assignments, managing time, taking notes, writing short answers and essays, and editing, correcting and evaluating one’s work. Students are trained to develop their abstract reasoning skills, and to synthesize information and apply it to different circumstances and situations.
Each year, our Middle School students star in the leading roles of our school-wide annual musical and attend performances of Broadway shows in Cincinnati. They also go on a five-day trip to a large city each Spring. These trips rotate between Washington, DC, Chicago, and St. Louis. In addition to getting many cultural experiences, students help plan these trips and learn how to navigate public transportation and a new city environment.
Our Middle School program prepares students for success in any high school environment they choose.
For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact us.