Category Archives: partners
Falling Leaves, Happy Students
Jumping and raking is always a blast and our students have plenty of time for this play. In fact, in a Montessori school, we think of it as work. Notice that children are raking and piling leaves together. Notice that … Continue reading
A Week in Middle School
Middle School students had a busy week! They created origami versions of the water cycle and started a pond. They built fairy gardens around the pond as decoration as well as benefits like winter housing for insects. They guided their … Continue reading
The Restaurant
While the middle school students were off in St. Louis the Upper Elementary learned a bit about the real world. Starting with breakfast and a tour of Patterson’s Cafe, we learned about the jobs involved in running a restaurant. We … Continue reading
The yearly tradition of SOAR (Students Outside Active and Running) wrapped up last Friday. Students from each grade band had the opportunity to get out and run, or walk, for two weeks to rack up miles and score feet for … Continue reading
Everyone has been thrilled to see our Partners program start this year! Partners is a program that pairs older and younger students. Older students have an opportunity to be the expert, while younger students benefit from having a mentor. Both … Continue reading
Sand Mandalas
Lower Elementary students met with their Middle School partners today to create sand mandalas. The partners first spent time researching images, and then created a mandala of their own. Because the sand is not secured in any way, they are … Continue reading
Valentine bags
Hands down, one of our students’ favorite days is when we get to meet with our Upper Unit Partners. Last week we worked on Valentine bags in preparation for the holiday. There were lots of hearts—and hugs!
The Read-a-Thon Rolls On!
The Read-a-Thon enters its second week today! Our students have been focusing on reading at school and home. Several of our students are challenging themselves to read 24 hours on their own! This is our academic fundraiser so we’d like … Continue reading
Read-a-Thon 2017 Begins
Our gnome-friend Reade visited all of our classrooms yesterday to kick off our annual Read-a-Thon fundraiser. The Read-a-Thon is a fundraiser for our school library and summer reading books. It works through sponsors; this year, sponsors will give money based on how … Continue reading
Self-Portraits with Partners
Last week Lower Elementary students met with their Middle School partners, and together, they completed Lower Elementary’s monthly self-portraits. Lower Elementary students drew themselves as usual, and then their Middle School partners added themselves into the pictures, too! Not only … Continue reading