Category Archives: Middle School
Balloon Rockets
Middle School science has been focused on physical science. Part of that study called for building a balloon rocket that must travel from one place to another along a fishing line. And on costume day, no less! Building the rockets … Continue reading
A Week in Middle School
Middle School students had a busy week! They created origami versions of the water cycle and started a pond. They built fairy gardens around the pond as decoration as well as benefits like winter housing for insects. They guided their … Continue reading
Middle School science has been concentrating on the study of Ecology. Students created one meter squares with string then counted the number of several types of organisms inside that square. Next came setting up a mini ecosystem in the form … Continue reading
Here We Go!
Here we go! Grades 4-8 were here for their first day of the brand new school-year. Students new to Lower Elementary and Primary were here too, learning all of the in’s and out’s of their classrooms. Tomorrow, our friends who … Continue reading
Moving Up
McGuffey families and friends came together to celebrate students who are Moving Up. Moving Up means moving from one classroom to another. We celebrate past growth and future accomplishments. Students Moved Up in Kindergarten, Grade 3, and Grade 6. We … Continue reading
St. Louis, Part 2
McGuffey’s Middle School students had a fantastic time on their trip to St. Louis. “Going Out” of the classroom and into the wider world is an essential part of the Montessori curriculum. Our very oldest age group goes on McGuffey’s … Continue reading
St. Louis, Part One
The St. Louis trip for Grades 6, 7, and 8 began with a cancelled bus and remarkably happy kids. Their first full day included a visit to the Gateway Arch and Museum then a narrated riverboat sightseeing cruise on the … Continue reading
Middle School African American Read-In
Middle School students recently held an African American Read-In for Black History Month. After spending time browsing and reading the collected books, each student selected a passage the especially moved them to share with the group. Students sat in a … Continue reading
Celebration of Learning
For many McGuffey students, Celebration of Learning is their favorite day of the year. Parents and grandparents visit after school to see their child’s classroom and get a peek into what they’ve been working on. The day of Celebration of … Continue reading