Category Archives: Lower Elementary

Elements of Soil

First and second grade Biomes is getting messy by learning about soil and exploring the elements that make up soil. This is the time of year that leaves drop and plants begin to decompose, making up leaf litter. Students found … Continue reading

Posted in Lower Elementary

Corn Husk Dolls

Grades 1-3 had a visit from Emily Legg, McGuffey parent and member of the Cherokee tribe. This is always a great way to remind students that Native American people are still living in this country. Emily told us a story … Continue reading

Posted in Lower Elementary


Maria Montessori encouraged teachers to “follow the child.” It’s a statement that guides us each day and drives our work in very particular ways. We believe each child has innate qualities that lead them to learning, and it is our job … Continue reading

Posted in Lower Elementary, outside

Falling Leaves, Happy Students

Jumping and raking is always a blast and our students have plenty of time for this play. In fact, in a Montessori school, we think of it as work. Notice that children are raking and piling leaves together. Notice that … Continue reading

Posted in Lower Elementary, partners, Primary, Upper Elementary

Election Day

Primary and Lower Elementary got into the action of Election Day. The vote was on whether to use special scissors or markers at a future event. Lower Elementary students lobbied for their favorite with reasons why they preferred one over … Continue reading

Posted in Lower Elementary, Primary

Costume Day 2025!

Posted in Lower Elementary, Middle School, Primary, Upper Elementary

Peffer Park Field Trip

Lower Elementary went on a day-long field trip to Peffer Park. From the park, they walked to the Miami Art Museum. Students investigated processes used by Native Americans to create artworks, combined ideas with materials and techniques to make a … Continue reading

Posted in field trip, Lower Elementary


Third graders had a fantastic time meeting with Dr. Megan Gerhardt to learn about their strengths and how they can be applied to leadership. During their workshop at the Oxford Community Arts Center, they discussed important questions: What does it … Continue reading

Posted in guest speakers, Lower Elementary

Lower Elementary Work Plans

In a multi-age classroom, older students gain leadership skills by serving as mentors to younger students. Children feel comfortable asking fellow-students for help and are especially influenced by older peers, whom they want to emulate.  In Lower Elementary, third graders … Continue reading

Posted in community, Lower Elementary

Here We Go!

Here we go! Grades 4-8 were here for their first day of the brand new school-year. Students new to Lower Elementary and Primary were here too, learning all of the in’s and out’s of their classrooms. Tomorrow, our friends who … Continue reading

Posted in Lower Elementary, Middle School, Primary, Upper Elementary