Category Archives: foreign language


Each November at the high school, we talk about gratitude. Last year, we read about and listened to speakers explain the importance of practicing gratitude to cultivate a happy life. We engaged the topic through our Seminar discussions. This year, … Continue reading

Posted in foreign language, High School, language arts, McGuffey, Montessori method, Uncategorized


Today was Ben’s last day with us. Tomorrow he will board a plane to New York City with a few suitcases to start an internship at Global Health Corps. Global Health Corps works on issues of healthy equity, an area … Continue reading

Posted in alumni, announcements, extended day, field trip, foreign language, fundraising, McGuffey

Spanish Club

Buenas tardes.  Hay un grupo des estudiantes que están aprendiendo español cada viernes despues de las classes.  In other words, there are students who are learning Spanish after school on Fridays.  There are all sorts of activities going on – … Continue reading

Posted in extended day, foreign language, McGuffey

Field Trip: Ghyslain

The Upper Unit recently took a field trip to Ghyslain in Richmond, Indiana. The proprietor, Ghyslain Maurais is a native of Quebec, and specializes in chocolate, pastry, and bread. Students began by taking a tour of the chocolate factory and … Continue reading

Posted in field trip, foreign language, McGuffey, upper unit


While the Intermediate Unit was at Glen Helen, the Upper and Primary Units had a chance to spend some time together. They cooked, and crafted, and played games. As a part of McGuffey’s partners program, these two groups learn from … Continue reading

Posted in foreign language, McGuffey, partners, primary unit, upper unit

Photos: The first two weeks

Has it really only been two weeks? Students have been hard at work in all their classes. Heidi has taken advantage of the good weather to teach in an outdoor classroom, Liz has been helping intermediate students learn to craft … Continue reading

Posted in foreign language, McGuffey

La petite souris va à l’école (The little mouse goes to school)

If they have not done so already, the students will soon be coming home speaking a bit of French. Yesterday the students were singing French songs, and soon they will be sampling French food.  Here are a few basic vocabulary … Continue reading

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