On Monday, the students found out the casting for their spring musical, Schoolhouse Rock Live, Jr. Most students wanted a solo which is a gorgeous thing. Because the musical was written for 6 roles and chorus, those 6 roles are divided into pieces. Though complicated and confusing at first, the students got what they wished for — lots of lines and solos. Particular attention was paid to pairing older with younger students in the McGuffey tradition. Monday’s class was taken up with deciphering slips of paper listing their parts, highlighting solo lines and using post-it-notes to mark important pages in their libretti. If you or your child have any questions, please contact Elizabeth. My information is on the main website.
In other news, the December performance videos are up on Vimeo! The kids have had a chance to see themselves and discuss their performances. They had such insight; what was good, what could be improved upon, and how they would like to do more! One note from the music teacher, the Primary Unit was cheated. They did a fantastic performance but unfortunately the recorder failed. We got the video on the second performance, but that performance wasn’t as put together as the first. Oh well, that’s life in the theater! Follow the link below to see the videos on Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/