Birds and the Undiscovered World

Authors Ken and Kim Kaufman will be meeting with several grades on Friday morning.  Ken will be the Hefner Lecture speaker tonight, Thursday Oct. 28, 8 p.m. Benton Hall, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, discussing “Birds and the Undiscovered World.”

In this modern age, with so much information available at our fingertips, we may tend to assume that everything of importance has been discovered already. But that’s just an illusion: we are surrounded by mysteries on all sides. The unknown and undiscovered world begins on our doorsteps, and it extends from there to the horizon. In this program, Hefner Lecturer Kenn Kaufman tells a story that weaves together the voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1492, the magic of bird migration, the modern pursuit of birding as a hobby or sport, and the power of personal exploration and discovery to illuminate our view of the world.

Kaufman, director of the Black Swamp Observatory in Oak Harbor, Ohio, is an exceptional birder, naturalist, educator, and author. He created the Kaufman Field Guide series, which includes editions on North American birds, mammals, insects, and butterflies, and “A Field Guide to Advanced Birding.” He is the consummate teacher, and listening to him talk about the wonderful world of birds and their natural history is an unforgettable experience.

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