McGuffey students leave after eighth grade with all of the skills necessary to learn, achieve, and succeed in their future endeavors.
In high school, many join Academic Challenge, the Mock Trial program, drama, band, orchestra, sports teams, and community service organizations. McGuffey alumni include Merit Scholars, Ohio Regents scholars, National Honor Society members, and recipients of numerous other scholarships and academic honors.
From high school, they graduate to colleges across the country and job opportunities spanning the globe. From New York to Uzbekistan, our alumni are now working in fields as diverse as law, economy, entertainment, community service, and digital media.
The goal for every student at McGuffey Montessori is simply this: achieve and be the best you can. Comparison and competition is self-directed; individual progress is supported and encouraged by the curriculum. With confidence in their ability to learn and the curiosity to pursue further studies in depth, McGuffey students have limitless possibilities.