A few weeks ago the Primary and Lower Elementary classes went back in time. We took a trip back to the early 1800s, a time without most of the modern conveniences we enjoy today.
Throughout the day, students have a chance to experience the school day through a different lens. Our day begins with chores—rounding up firewood, starting a fire, and preparing the noon meal. Children also spent time sewing and doing laundry. We took a break from our work to sing and dance with Papa Joe who dressed in period clothing and brought his banjo to provide some entertainment.
By lunchtime, we were starving! We all sat down to a meal that had been prepared by the class. In the afternoon, we had several lessons using chalkboards and pen and ink. And when you take a break to go to the bathroom, make sure you take the lantern!
At the end of the day, the children had a chance to reflect on their experience. Although it was really fun, could they imagine what it was like living that way every day? This day is always such a fantastic learning opportunity.
Look for photos of the Primary students on the McGuffey Instagram page.