A group of parents are starting a Book Club for first, second, and third grades! They thought it might be a great way to bring the kids together around the topic of reading outside of school.
The book club will choose books that are easy enough for early readers, but have content that will be interesting for all grade levels.
Our first selection will be Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin. It’s the first in a series of several books about four kittens who are all mysteriously born with a set of wings. They try to make their way in the world, despite the fact that they are different than other cats.
We will be meeting in the main building at McGuffey on Sunday, February 13, 3pm. We hope to have fun gathering with friends, sipping cups of hot cocoa, and discussing a good book.
This Book Club is open to all 1/2/3 students, and we kindly ask that a parent or guardian attend with each child. We hope you can join us! Please email with any questions.