McGuffey will be on a two-hour delay on Wednesday, January 22. There will be no Early Care or Early Math. All ages should arrive in car line from 10:45-10:59am. Dismissal will be as normal for Wednesday, 2:45-2:55pm.
Hero’s Journey

Just before Winter Break, Middle School students spent a cozy morning wrapping up their ELA studies. With popcorn and tea, they snuggled down to watch “Star Wars: Episode IV” and fill out a Star Wars: Hero’s Journey/Trop Bingo card created by our Middle School teacher. A hero’s journey is a common storytelling structure where a protagonist, often considered a hero, embarks on an adventure, faces challenges and trials, undergoes personal transformation, and ultimately returns home changed, usually with newfound wisdom or power, following a predictable pattern.
Upper Elementary Mission Statement

As we head into our Winter Break, what better time to share Upper Elementary’s new mission statement? Students in grades 4-6 created the statement as part of our Peace Curriculum. They worked as a group to write and then refine the statement that will define their values and goals as a classroom.
Elements of Soil

First and second grade Biomes is getting messy by learning about soil and exploring the elements that make up soil. This is the time of year that leaves drop and plants begin to decompose, making up leaf litter. Students found a few rocks and saw what happened when force is applied to them with a hammer. The stones broke into smaller and smaller bits, a process that happens in nature due to water, ice, and wind. The minerals from rocks combine with leaf litter, other organic matter, water, and air to make soil. A core sample of soil was taken and the changes that happen a we dig further into the ground could be observed. Layers of the soil, from bedrock to leaf litter and everything in between were observed.
Scholarship Fund Drive

If you haven’t already donated, please consider giving to our Scholarship Fund. More information can be found under the Support Us tab.
Primary: Inside And Out

Primary students have been inside and out, exploring and learning as they go. A cold snap brought a lot of ice to discover and manipulate outdoors. Inside, they’re studying three holidays, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Christmas, as well as math, language, science, and sensorial works.
Language + Math

While Grades Five and Six discussed realistic fiction in ELA, other classmates were having a blast in math!
Corn Husk Dolls

Grades 1-3 had a visit from Emily Legg, McGuffey parent and member of the Cherokee tribe. This is always a great way to remind students that Native American people are still living in this country. Emily told us a story about corn husk dolls which explained why they have no faces. After she shared the story, she helped students make their own dolls. These dolls were a huge hit, with students crafting and sewing clothes for their dolls. Emily also shared a traditional bean bread, made from masa harina and cooked in corn husks. We are so fortunate to have community that helps bring our lessons to life!

Maria Montessori encouraged teachers to “follow the child.” It’s a statement that guides us each day and drives our work in very particular ways. We believe each child has innate qualities that lead them to learning, and it is our job to prepare the path and then get out of the way.
At McGuffey Montessori, we are flexible and listen to the needs of our students. During our first snow of the season, which arrived much earlier than usual, students asked if they could go outside. Because our schedule can be malleable and teachers are willing to adapt, the indoor work period was moved outdoors. Work plans could wait for later in the day to make space for the joy of being a kid in the snow building a giant snowball with friends.
Scholarship Fund Drive

Our Scholarship Fund Drive is about to begin. If you live in Ohio, please consider donating to our Scholarship Fund and receive an equal tax credit up to $750 making your donation free. Every donation will help us reach our goal. See the Support Us tab on our website for more information.